Dozen Premium Roses


When only the best will do- we are proudly offering RosaPrima Growers Roses. Rosa Prima is synonymous with quality and longevity. Expertly arranged in a glass vase with premium greenery and babies breath.

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When only the best will do- we are proudly offering RosaPrima Growers Roses. Rosa Prima is synonymous with quality and longevity. Expertly arranged in a glass vase with premium greenery and babies breath.

When only the best will do- we are proudly offering RosaPrima Growers Roses. Rosa Prima is synonymous with quality and longevity. Expertly arranged in a glass vase with premium greenery and babies breath.


Each one of our roses is the embodiment of uncompromising quality and exceptional craftsmanship. The Rosaprima rose is synonymous with beauty, quality and longevity. Our roses are grown by skillful artisans who take great pride in producing world-renowned roses. Our heritage is one which combines traditional mastery, expert selection and innovation to create the definitive quality standard all other roses are measured by.

Designer's Choice
from $65.00
Springing Ahead
Pretty in Spring
Bold and Beautiful
Let me call you Sweetheart